A Pomegranate is a delicious fruit with lots of beneficial components. The health benefits of pomegranates are making the succulent fruit a real trend. It contains substances such as polyphenols that have antioxidant, anti-viral, and anti-tumor activity. Pomegranate may also be helpful in maintaining healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Recent studies prove that pomegranate has compounds that play a role in osteoarthritis and prostate health.

A study published in July in the journal Clinical Cancer Research suggests juice from the tart, crimson-coloured fruit slowed the growth of prostate tumours in 48 men who had been treated with either radiation therapy or surgery for their cancer.

A certain Ron Bhatty, who has been receiving injections and taking drugs during his 15-year battle with prostate cancer, turned to pomegranate juice last year after he read a study touting its benefits.

He said "Here is a natural product, with no known side-effects, which is locally available without any prescription, without intervention of the medical people," the Surrey, B.C., resident said. "Why not try it?"

“Cancer patients live on hope that something will work”, Bhatty added.

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